I need 4 Raspberry Pi’s
Chances are that by now, you have heard of the Raspberry Pi, a cheap, credit card sized ARM computer, capable of running Linux. As is seems that the distributors (RS Electronics and element14/Premier Farnell) are starting to ship them Real Soon Now, I was thinking how many of them I am going to need 🙂
I think I need 4, to start with:
- A Home Theater PC, running XBMC
- A Car PC
- A shower radio. This one will need a waterproof case, integated speakers, run on batteries and probably have a small integrated amplifier. It will also need WiFi, so it could be a model A without the ethernet interface.
- A NAS controller, although this might not be wise, since the harddisks can only be connected with USB. It’s worth the experiment, in any case.
I hope the Pi will become available in quantities soon!